Saturday, January 12, 2008


Bummer to wake up and see that Maila Nurmi passed away on Thursday. I got to know Maila for a short time and had the honor of creating a poster for her to sign and sell (below) so she could eat and pay some bills.

Thanks to my friend Chuck Harter, I was also able to go to the original KABC studios in Los Feliz where the Vampira show was shot in 1954 and accompanied her and Chuck to an interview done for a Halloween segment which, due to the passing of Steve Allen was bumped off the evening broadcast.
see Vampira's Attic on YouTube for a bunch of cool videos.

Rest well Maila.


Anonymous said...

hey...i remember that poster...i have one...i realize there is a picture of vampira in every room in my house! weird...

Daveland said...

Welcome back! Sorry it took Maila's passing to bring you back, but good to see you are posting again.

Mark London said...

Thanks Dave, sadly I guess it did kinda bring me tell ya the truth I kept forgetting my own password to log in! That and doing a ton 'o work kept me at bay, but thanks for coming 'round again to visit.
Those 50's park shots you've been posting are awesome!
~ ML ~